Nordic Light – Nordic Sound
Jean Sibelius (1865-1957):
1 Andante Festivo (1922/1938)
Jean Sibelius:
Rakastava opus 14 (1912)
2 The beloved
3 The path of the beloved
4 Good evening! – Farewell!
Lars-Erik Larsson (1908-1986):
Pastoral Suite opus 19 (1938)
5 Romance
Edvard Grieg (1843-1907):
Two elegiac melodies opus 34 (1880)
6 The wounded heart
7 The last spring
Poul Schierbeck (1888-1949):
8 I Danmark er jeg født (In Denmark I was born) – Prelude for string orchestra opus 43 (1938)
Carl Nielsen (1865 – 1931):
Ved en ung kunstners båre (At the bier of a young artist) (1910)
9 Andante Lamentosa
Carl Nielsen:
Suite opus 1 (1888)
10 Prelude
11 Intermezzo
12 Finale
Niel Gow (1727-1807):
13 Lament for the death of his second wife (1805)
– violin solo and string arr. Morten Ryelund
Morten Ryelund
Cecilie Emtoft
Daniel Tølbøll Mortensen
Astrid Mikaelyan
Anne Marie Hjort Christiansen
Mina Cecilie Haghbin
Marcus Mukherjee
Nanna Treu
Anne Skærbæk
Anne Sofie Hertz Uglebjerg
Arsema Asghodom
Josefine Weber Hansen
Nicholas Algot Swensen
Sidsel Most
Petronella Torin
Gabriella de Carvalho e Silva Fuglsig
Torbjørn Eika Jørgensen
Sophie Kalina Hildeshejn
Hanna Cronhjort
Malte Schmidt
Laurids Hvidtfelt Madsen
Thanks to:
Obelske Familiefond
Statens Kunstråd
Augustinus Fonden
Carl Nielsen og Anne Marie Carl-Nielsens Legat
Dronning Margrethes og Prins Henriks Fond
Oticon Fonden
Esajas Kirke for great hospitality